Ploughshares in northern Europe

SAAB Microwave Becoming2 Ploughshares

Disarmed military radar and parts of Test Range at SAAB Micowaves in Sweden
Tuesday June 24 and Thursday June 26, 2008

Per Herngren and Ulla Røder released after interrogation.

Per Herngren and Ulla Røder climbed over the fence at SAAB Microwave’s test range at Mölndal, Sweden on June 24 and 26, 2008, and planted fig trees in the area around the factory.  Using blacksmith hammers, they started to disarm military radar and parts of the test range.  They spoke to workers and guards about their intent until police arrived and arrested them half an hour later.

Ulla and Per making a ladder in the fence

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of the ploughshares action

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