
Web editor: Treena Lenthall

Mailinglist send mail to plowshares-subscribe(at) and answere the confirmation letter. This mailinglist is for civil disobedience and plowshares resistance, it is NOT for ‘issues’ like information on war or peace.

Vine & Fig Tree Planters at Aldermaston:

Stephen Hancock, Oxford, England
Tel + 44 (0)1865 775532, Mobile +44 (0) 7885 499721
email stephen77hancock(at)

Thomas Helgeson, Stockholm, Sweden
Mobile +46 707 179186  thomas.helgeson(at)

The Vine and Fig Tree Planters Aldermaston
Sr Susan Clarkson (Riverside Plowshares NY, Oxford Catholic Worker, England)

Orla Cunningham (active with Dublin Catholic Worker, Ireland)

Les Gibbons (Hope & Disarmament, England)

Lizzie Jones (Artist, Hope & Disarmament, England)

Stephen Hancock (Upper Heyford Ploughshares, Oxford England)

Per Herngren (Pershing Plowshares, Arms Factory Plowshares, lives in Fig Tree A Jona House Resistance Community, surrounded by Sweden)

Mike Hutchinson (Upper Heyford Ploughshares, Oxford England)

Treena Lenthall (Jabiluka Ploughshares, Australia)

Barbara Smedema (Nato Ploughshares, Netherlands)

Martin Smedjeback (Fellowship of Reconcilation, Ofog, in Sweden)

Thomas Helgeson (Left Party, Sweden)

In cyberspace, when not gardening, some of us use Skype to keep in contact (Les, Treena, Per, Stephen, Thomas, Martin)

The Vine and Fig Tree Planters Ericsson Microwave
Annika Spalde, deacon The Church of Sweden, 36, from Gothenburg, Ulla Röder, 51, from Denmark, Pelle Strindlund, The Church of Sweden, 34, from Gothenburg, Les Gibbons, 41, from the United Kingdom, Per Herngren, Mission Covenant Church, 44, from Gothenburg, Klaus Engell-Nielsen, The Church of Sweden, 37, from Tidaholm.

Vine, fig trees and links

Home garden
Hiroshima planting 2007
Easter planting at Ericsson 2006
Ulla Røder on proactive resistance
Figs on trial and in prison
Statement for Aldermaston
To Go Beyond Protest-Resistance
Vine & Fig Tree Disarmory
Les’ reflection from prison
Beyond Protest
Proactive Resistance
Martin’s reflection on planting
Manual for civil disobedience
Theory of Resistance
Photos Hiroshima 2007 planting
Liz’s art exhibition
Photos from police evidence
Arrest photos Aldermaston 2005
Photos of Aldermaston planting 2005
Figs at Aldermaston photos
Queer trans-forms community
Planting at Ericsson
Bofors Easter 2006
…………………………more resistance
Vine & Fig Tree in the Netherlands
Vine and Fig Tree song

Four weeks prison, suspended six month, and £201 in restitution, for the Vine & Fig Tree Planters.

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