Överlappande stater och ickevåld – Kurdistan och Öcalan

Ett exempel på vad som möjligen kommer att efterträda nationalstater i framtiden är myllret av Kurdistan runt om i världen som överlappar nationalstater. Dessa Kurdistan verkar alltså parallellt med nationalstater på samma område.

Från sitt turkiska fängelse skriver Abdullah Öcalan en skarp självkritik1 mot sin tidigare inriktning mot nationalstat2, makt och krig.3 I Beyond State, Power, and Violence markerar Öcalan att våld inte ska användas för politiska syften.4 Istället för nationalism, våld5 och dominans6 föreslår han ett myller av demokratiska, ekologiska och feministiska revolutioner.7 Han bryter alltså med föreställningen om en nationalstatlig revolution. Revolution är inte att ta makten.

En stat som skapar ett eget folk blir en form av fascism. Därför kritiserar han separatistiska nationalstater för kurder eller svenskar.8 Olika folk måste kunna leva jämlikt med varandra i samma byar och städer.9 Ifall nationalstaten ställs över andra värden, som solidaritet, omsorg och jämlikhet, är det per definition fascism. 

Konkret föreslår Öcalan att överlappande10 stater bryter sig ur nationalismen. Istället för att monopolisera makt har därför ett myller av Kurdistan organiserats runt om i världen. De lever överlappande med traditionella nationalstater och de vägrar underordna sig något centraliserat Kurdistan.

Per Herngren

6 januari 2024, version 0.1


1.  “efforts toward a democratic society and the most varied kinds of organizing and solidarity that served that goal would have been possible, and we could have developed freedom and equality without falling into the nationalism of either the oppressor or the oppressed nation and without allowing for separatism or excessive violence. But a dogmatic approach based on an interpretation of the right of the people to self-determination prevented us from recognizing the numerous possible alternate solutions.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 421.

2.  “nationalist mentality offered the most useful legitimating instrument for mobilizing society for war and violence of all sorts.” (s 80)

3.  “A morality that portrayed war as the only acceptable solution, even if there were other possible ways, bound the society. The result was that violence became the most sacred tool for solving problems. As long as this understanding of history continues, it will be difficult to analyze social phenomena in a realistic way to find solutions to problems other than through war. The fact that even representatives of the most peaceful ideologies have resorted to war shows the strength of this mindset. That even the major religions and the contemporary class and national liberation movements, which have all striven for permanent peace, have nonetheless fought in the style of the warrior ruling power cliques is further testimony to this fact.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 111.

4.  “It is time to finally accept that it is unrealistic to attempt to solve problems with violence and separation, which simply cannot resolve the existing problems.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 356-357.

5.  “Even in the most problematic situations, solutions without explosions are always possible. The claim that there is no solution without violence and military action is simply not reasonable.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 358.

6.  “wars foster a culture of violence that is internalized by society. The sword of war between states, like the man’s hand in the family, is a symbol of domination.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 237.

7.  “The importance of this formation in particular is women’s participation based on freedom, leading to a form of nationhood that is free from nationalism, does not accommodate religious radicalism and is based on the independent development of local culture, woman’s freedom, and an ecological and environmentally conscious course of action, which would be the healthiest road to a democratic nation that eschews separatism or the use of violent methods.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 356.

8.  “The unraveling of all moral values at the core of society, the massive growth of a nationalism that has infiltrated every mentality, and the consequences of ecological destruction, which have spread and created a robotic sameness, a gray, restless, hopeless, faithless, and aimless worldview.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 81.

9.  “The more the narrower ethnic, kavim-based, religious, and nationalist methods are sidelined and the military methods laid aside, the more likely that the complicated social problems in Kurdistan will be resolved using democratic, freedom-loving, and egalitarian means based on a democratic nation.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 357.

10. “If we had refrained from fetishizing the concept of “the nation” and instead defined it as a loose form of society and concentrated on the much more important point of living as a democratic, egalitarian, and free national community, we could have achieved results that would have demonstrated a greater understanding of reality.” Abdullah Öcalan, Beyond State, Power, and Violence, PM Press, 2023, s 420.

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